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Mood Symptoms

Mood swings, impulsivity, instability, sadness, elation, irritation, anger, depression.. our moods are a part of everyday life that can control us if we don't control them first. How do you know if you're "moody" or if you have a mood "disorder"?

Bipolar I Disorder F31

  • Onset – 18yrs old

  • Duration – manic episode must last at least 1 week

  • Manic Episode:

    • Symptoms: Distinct period of abnormally and persistently elevated, expansive, or irritable mood and three or more of the following:

    • Inflated self-esteem/grandiosity

    • Decreased need for sleep

    • Talkative/pressured talking

    • Flight of ideas/racing thoughts

    • Distractibility

    • Increased goal-directed activity/psychomotor agitation

    • Excessive involvement in pleasurable activity that have high potential for painful consequences

    • *Note that additionally, the mood is evident of a marked impairment of occupational or social functioning or necessitates hospitalization to prevent harm to self or others or due to the presence of psychotic features.

  • Symptoms: Presence of at least one manic episode. A major depressive or hypomanic episode may precede or follow a manic episode, but neither is required.

  • Diagnostic Codes:

    • Mild (Most current episode: depressed – F31.31, manic - F31.11)

    • Moderate (Most current episode: depressed – F31.32, manic - F31.12)

    • Severe (Most current episode: depressed – F31.4, manic - F31.13)

    • With Psychotic features (Most current episode: depressed – F31.5, manic - F31.2)

    • In partial remission (Most current episode: depressed– F31.75, manic - F31.73)

    • In full remission (Most current episode: depressed – F31.76, manic - F31.74)

    • Unspecified F31.9

  • Differential:

    • Major Depressive Disorder – (absence of manic episode)

    • Other Bipolar Disorders – (B2 = mania? Other = cause?)

    • Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder – (manic episode)

    • Generalized Anxiety Disorder – (cause is anxiety/manic episode)

    • Psychotic Disorders (psychosis is not caused specifically by the manic/depress episodes)

    • Panic Disorder – (panic attacks not mania)

    • Post-Tramatic Stress Disorder – (cause is trauma/manic episode)

    • Personality Disorders – (not episodes, steady mood issues for a long time)

Bipolar II Disorder F31.81

  • Onset – average mid-20s

  • Duration – hypomanic episode at least 4 days and Major Depressive episode at least 2 weeks

  • Symptoms:

    • Presence of hypomanic episode and presence of major depressive episode. A manic episode has NEVER occurred.

  • Differential:

    • Other Bipolar Disorders – (mania vs hypomania)

    • Cyclothymic Disorder – (duration of episodes)

    • Major Depressive Disorder – (duration of episodes)

    • Schizophrenia Spectrum and Other Related Psychotic Disorders – (presence of mood symptoms)

    • Panic Disorder or Other Anxiety Disorders – (panic attacks)

    • Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder – (attention/hyperactivity – depressive episodes)

    • Borderline Personality Disorder – (episodes and duration)

Cyclothymic Disorder F34.0

  • Onset – adolescence or early adulthood

  • Children/adolescents – at least 1 yr

  • Adults – at least 2 yrs

  • Symptoms: N2N2

    • Numerous Symptomatic Period

    • 2yrs of hypomanic and depressive symptoms

    • Never more than 2 months w/o symptoms

  • Differential:

    • Borderline Personality Disorder – (can coincide)

    • Bipolar I and II Disorders with Rapid Cycling – (criteria for episodes for Bipolar are not met w cyclothymic)

Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder F34.8

  • Duration: 12 months

  • Onset: Prior to age 10

  • Symptoms:

    • Chronically irritable, acting out in ways that are extremely out of line with the circumstance, over-reacting or inability to move on from the situation long after it would be appropriate to do so.

    • Symptoms are present in more than one setting.

    • *Note that first diagnosis cannot be made prior to age 6 or after age 18.

  • Differential:

    • Oppositional Defiant Disorder – (mood is rare)

    • ADHD/Autism/Anxiety – (can be comorbid)

    • Bipolar Disorders – (episodes/duration/onset)

    • Intermittent Explosive Disorder – (disruption in mood between outbursts)


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